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Shift__Emilie zimmerman

Chapter fourteen.

I was standing on the lunch deck, not knowing how I got here, I just ended up here, I don’t remember even waking up

something told me to turn around, and I did without my permission, my body turned around, and behind me was death, everyone was dead lying on the ground, I saw Drake and my body went numb, my emotions were gone, I stared at him blankly, then the realization of his lifeless body lying there made me fall to the ground, I didn’t scream, I just sat there, suddenly in front of him, I sat there beside him, tears falling down my cheeks and onto his face as I cradled his head in my lap

Garrison and his minions appeared in front of me, Garrison was smiling wickedly, and his minions had the same look

I looked down at my night gown, and found it bloody and torn, I was bleeding, my stomach was torn open and I was bleeding to death, I suddenly fell onto Drake, I couldn’t move, it was like I was paralyzed

My last thought was ‘at least I’ll be with Drake’

I woke with a start, my sheets were wrapped around my legs and arms, making it impossible to move, my breathing was ragged, and I was covered in sweat

I looked around the room with my night vision, I saw nothing

I sat up and wiped the sweat off of my forehead
That’s when the tears started flowing, I put my head in my hands and cried, ‘it wasn’t real, it wasn’t real’ I thought to myself, my silent cries turning into quiet sobs

I slid down to the floor off of my bed, sitting against it

I wanted to go and check to see if Drake was okay, but I refrained

He was alright, I could feel it

“Jenna? Are you alright?” Drake’s deep, worried voice came from outside the door

“No” I said quietly, still sobbing

Drake came into the room, seeing me on the floor

He walked quickly over and sat down beside me, pulling me into a hug “it’s alright, you’re alright” he comforted me, rubbing my back soothingly as I cried into his chest

“I had a dream about them Drake” I whispered

Drake held me tightly against his chest “what happened?” he asked me gently

“I was…standing on the lunch deck, and I turned around th-there were dead body’s just…p-piled everywhere! You were lying on the floor, dead

I dropped to the ground in front of you, you were d-dead! And suddenly Garrison and the others were standing in front of us, I h-had the urge to look down and I…oh god” I sobbed

He stroked my hair “it’s alright, it was just a dream” he whispered, trying to comfort me

“I had the urge to look down, so I did, my stomach was ripped open, that’s when I fell half way on top of you, I couldn’t move” I whispered
